If you are using branded Ringotel Shell portal (under your own domain), you will need your own Zoho CRM integration as the default one will result with the Invalid redirect URL error.
Firstly, let’s create a new Application in the Zoho API Console. For this, Navigate to https://api-console.zoho.eu (or other domain, such as https://api-console.zoho.com depending on where is your Zoho account is located) and log in with your Zoho admin credentials.
Once logged in, click on + Add Client button to create a new application.
Choose a Server-based Applications type.
In the Create New Client form specify the following:
Client Name: the name of the application. Will be visible to customers.
Homepage URL: your service home page, e.g. https://example.com
Authorized Redirect URIs: your custom Ringotel portal domain with /services/Zoho path at the end, e.g. https://portal.example.com/services/Zoho
Click Create button.
When the application is created, switch to the Client Secret tab and note the Client ID and Client Secret values. Provide these values to the Ringotel support team to enable your custom Zoho CRM or Zoho One CRM integration.