Ringotel works as a secure VoIP tunnel, accepting traffic from remote users and passing it to the PBX server. Communication between the Ringotel apps and the Ringotel server is encrypted by default with TLS/SRTP protocols. The RTP port range could be configured and set according to NAT/Firewall configuration.

Even in the case of on-premise deployment, provisioning of Ringotel apps, including codecs settings, dial plan, and user contacts list, will still be available via the Ringotel admin portal or API.

With the on-premise version of Ringotel, you still have access to our cloud infrastructure and will be able to choose between creating users on an on-premise server or on any of Ringotel’s cloud servers.

Main advantages:




What ports do you need to open on the firewall?

  1. 443 (TCP)

  2. 6000-9999 (UDP, or another RTP port range considering 4 ports per simm. call)

Additionally, consider adding these ports to register SIP endpoints via Ringotel using "Terminal password":

  1. 5060, 5061, 5062 (UDP/TCP)

The above ports need to be accessible from the internet for the softphone users. In addition, the following ports needs to be opened for server maintenance:

  1. 4887 (TCP)

  2. 22 (SSH, or any other port)

The maintenance ports need to opened for the Ringotel IPs (provided during the project).

In case of a failover configuration (two on-premise servers), allow communication between the servers on the following ports:

How is the load balancing/failover handled?

A failover/HA configuration consists of a primary and secondary(standby) node and is activated using the DNS failover mechanism. 

  1. Restore the Ringotel process on the primary server (it will start in standby mode). 

  2. Then, the Ringotel service should be stopped on the secondary server (which became primary after a failover). 

  3. After the recovery time, the Ringotel service should start on the primary node and the clients re-register. 

  4. Lastly, launch the Ringotel service on the secondary node to restore the initial state.