Getting started with the Android app

Getting started with the Android app

Install Ringotel app on your Android devices for reliable communication with clients and colleagues through your PBX extension.

Download the app

To download the Ringotel app to your Android device(s), please go to the Google Play and search for Ringotel or follow this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=smile.ringotel

Log in with your Ringotel Shell user

Launch the app, once you installed it on your device(s). If you received an email with provisioning instructions, please use the credentials specified there to log in.

You should receive a message from service@ringotel.co


Alternatively, you can scan a QR code provided in the email. To do this, tap on the Scan icon on the login screen of your app.

You may need to allow access to the camera to be able to scan a QR code.

Team messaging and calling

Once you log in to the app, switch to the Contacts tab on the bottom of your screen, to see your team members with their real-time statuses.

To start a conversation,

  1. Tap on the person’s contact and select how you would like to reach this person - via personal chat, audio or video call.

Place a call through your extension

To place a call through your PBX extension:

  1. Switch to the Calls tab then tap the dialpad icon

  2. Enter a number and tap a Dial button.


  1. Tap on the Contacts icon to open a Phone Contacts list.

  2. Tap on the contact and then on the Handset button to place a call.

Change your status

To control your current presence:

  1. Switch to the Menu tab.

  2. Tap on the status bar, right under your name, to change a current status.

You can set either Online or Busy (Do Not Disturb) or At the desk[1] statuses.




[1] When near your desk phone, you can reduce distraction by setting the “at the desk” status, which delays call coming to your mobile app for 10 seconds.

Setup your Profile

To make your account more personal and informative, you can set your profile information, which is visible to all team members.

  1. Open the profile settings by switching to the Menu tab.

  2. Tap Profile.

  3. To change your profile, tap the pencil icon.

  4. To change your avatar image, tap camera icon.

  5. Tap + Add detail to set additional information that will be visible to all team members when they open your profile.


Call settings (Forwarding, Voice recording, Voicemail)

In the Call settings, you can set various types of call forwarding rules, enable voice recording and a voicemail.

  1. Open the Call settings by switching to the Menu tab.

  2. Go to the SettingsCall settings.

Call forwarding rules

To enable a call forwarding rule:

  1. Tick the checkbox on the rule that you would like to enable

  2. Enter a phone number in the forward to field

  3. Tap on Check icon on the top right corner of your screen, to save the settings.

The following rules are available:

  • Forward all calls. All incoming calls will be forwarded to the specified number.

  • Forward when offline. Forward calls to the specified number when your extension is unreachable (e.g. no registration on PBX).

  • Forward when busy. Calls are forwarded when your current status is set to Busy (Do Not Disturb), or you are on an active call.

  • Forward when no answer. This rules will apply to incoming calls which are not answered during the time specified in the waiting time field.

As all outgoing audio calls are routed through your PBX, please make sure that an outgoing call can be placed to the number(s) specified in the forwarding rules.


By default, the voicemail feature has a prerecorded message. Alternatively, you can record a custom greeting by tapping the Prompt button.

  1. To enable the voicemail feature tick the Voicemail checkbox.

Voice recording

  1. Tick the Recording checkbox to record all incoming and outgoing calls.

To listen for call recordings:

  1. Open a conversation with the specific contact.

  2. Tap View details on the call history entry.

3. On the call details pop-up, tap on the Play icon.


Change password

When your account was created by the Ringotel Shell administrator, your password was generated automatically. However, you can change it at any time.

To change your password:

  1. Switch to the Menu tab.

  2. Go to the Profile and tap on the pencil icon to edit your profile.

  3. Tap Change password right under the Display name field.

  4. Enter the old and the new passwords. The new password must be at least 8 characters long.

  5. Tap on the Check icon on the top right corner of your screen.

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