Specifying custom parameters in the webpages or screen pop-up URLs
Specifying custom parameters in the webpages or screen pop-up URLs
There are numerous use case scenarios where you may need to open a webpage or screen pop-up URL with specific parameters for a user. To achieve this, you can add custom parameters to the users' settings and utilize them as variables in the Custom webpages or Screen pop-up URLs.
To add a custom parameter to the user’s settings, you can employ the updateUser
API method by passing the custom parameters within the custom
object. For instance:
"method": "updateUser",
"params": {
"id": "17097397378921051839",
"orgid": "17068724888871308748",
"custom": {
"id": "1234-5678-9012",
"key": "qwerwterer234346467"
Subsequently, you can utilize these custom user parameters in the Custom webpages or Screen pop-up URLs as follows:
This will open the URL with substituted values: