

Since 2004, DIDWW delivers high-reliability, premium quality, inbound and outbound communications products and services to thousands of telecom companies and enterprises worldwide. With Ringotel and DIDWW integration, you can enable SMS and MMS messaging for your softphone users in a few clicks.

How does it work

The DIDWW SMS/MMS integration allows you to add your SMS-enabled DIDWW phone numbers and assign multiple users who will be able to send/receive messages via these numbers.

SMS/MMS integration is part of the Pro package. Upgrading an organization to Pro pricing is required to enable this feature.

Step 1. Enable SMS integration for a Ringotel organization.

In the organization where you want to enable the SMS integration, navigate to the connection’s Features settings and set Enable SMS via Integrations. Then, hit Save changes.

Navigate back to the organization’s dashboard and switch to the Integrations tab. Click Set up Integration button on the DIDWW panel.

Copy the provided Webhook URL, which we will need in the following steps.

Step 2. Setting up DIDWW.

Creating HTTP IN Trunk for incoming messages

Firstly, navigate to your DIDWW admin portal (https://my.didww.com ) → Trunks → SMS tabpress Create New button → select HTTP IN, to create a new trunk.

On the Trunk configuration page, specify the following settings:

HTTP Method: “POST”

Request URL: the Webhook URL copied from the Ringotel portal in the previous step.

Body type: JSON

Request body:


Create a trunk by clicking on the Submit button.

Assign SMS Trunk to DID Numbers

As a next step, assign the created HTTP IN trunk to your DID numbers. For this, in your DIDWW portal:

  1. Navigate to DID Numbers and select the phone numbers for which you would like to enable the integration. Then click Bulk Actions and select Update SMS Trunks.

  1. In the opened panel, select the HTTP In trunk and confirm changes.

Creating HTTP OUT Trunk for outgoing messages

In your DIDWW admin portal, return to the list of SMS trunk and create a new HTTP OUT trunk.

On the trunk configuration page, specify the Webhook URL copied from your Ringotel admin portal in the Callback URL field, to get the delivery status of the text messages you have sent.

Once a trunk is created, click on the key icon and note the trunk credentials that you need to enter in the Ringotel integration settings.

Step 3. Add DIDWW SMS Phone Numbers in Ringotel.

Navigate back to your Ringotel admin portal and enter your DIDWW HTTP OUT SMS trunk credentials copied in the previous step.

Click Save & Continue.

Manage users

Once the integration settings are successfully saved, click the Manage users button, add your DIDWW phone numbers, and assign users who we will be able to send/receive SMS/MMS via these phone numbers. 

Select the Country code (for example, United States +1) of your SMS phone number, and in the Phone number field, specify your DIDWW Number, for example, 9179056077.

Select Users who will send and receive SMS/MMS via this phone number. You can click Select all to select all users from this connection. 

In the Session stickiness field, specify a timeout during which the subscriber’s phone number will stick to a user who initiated a conversation by sending an outbound message.

Reformat outbound/inbound numbers options allows mitigating chats duplication when, for example, an incoming SMS is coming in one format (e.g., E.164), but users are sending outgoing SMS in another format (e.g., National). In addition, you can set a similar option for calls in the connection’s settings.

Click Save.

You can add more phone numbers by clicking Add SMS number button.

After setting up an integration, users who you assigned to the phone numbers will need to re-login from their Ringotel app.

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