

To enable Netsapiens integration for your Ringotel account, please contact support at support@ringotel.co

Netsapiens is a communication platform for service providers. Integration enables Netsapiens users to automatically update outgoing CLI when making outgoing calls, as well as access their contacts list.

Setting up the integration

To establish an integration, navigate to the organization, select Integrations, and scroll down to "Netsapiens" at the bottom of the list. Click on the "Enable Integration" button.

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In the settings panel, input your Netsapiens server address, tenant domain, credentials of your Netsapiens user, client_id and client_secret.

The provided username/password credentials will generate an authentication token, therefore it is essential to ensure that the user has adequate privileges across the domain.

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After this step, click on the "Save & Continue" button. Then, map the users between Ringotel and Netsapiens to enable the integration for the users.

The last stage involves creating the phone numbers, or CLIs, which users can select when making calls. To add a CLI, create a new connection with the "Connect to a VoIP provider" type. It is crucial to note that you must specify the same Domain, Outbound Proxy address, and Port values that are specified in the main connection settings.

In the "Number (Username)" field, specify a CLI number and assign users who can use the CLI when making calls. Do not to enable the registration option.

For your convenience, you may use the "Duplicate Connection" option to quickly copy the existing connection with all the settings. You would only need to update the CLI number in the connection's settings.

After enabling the integration, users will need to sign out of their Ringotel app and sign in again to apply the changes. Once logged in, users will be able to choose a CLI during outbound calls:


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