Manage external contacts

Manage external contacts

If your team is communicating with clients or partners, they might need to dial and receive calls from external contacts from outside of your organization. In Ringotel Shell admin portal, you can import external contacts into a shared directory to become available to all Ringotel users within the organization.

Import contacts

Select Manage contacts in the organization’s context menu.
Import contacts from a CSV file or create them manually.

To import a list of Contacts:

  1. Log into your Ringotel Shell admin portal and navigate to the list of created organizations (https://shell.ringotel.net).

  2. Open an organization’s context menu (“three-dots” menu).

  3. Select Manage Contacts.

  4. On the contacts management page, click Import to import a list of contacts from a CSV file (file format is described below). Alternatively, you can create contacts manually by clicking Create contact.

  5. Choose a CSV file in your system and click Import.

  6. Wait while for the contacts being imported.

Choose a CSV file in your system and click Import.
Wait while for the contacts being imported.

A CSV file must be in the following format:

  • The first line of the file should contain column headings

  • The following headings are allowed:

    • name - (required) contact's name. Alternatively, firstname and lastnamefields are allowed.

    • mobile - mobile number(s). To import multiple mobile numbers, split values into multiple columns with the same header name.

    • phone - phone number(s). To import multiple phone numbers, split values into multiple columns with the same header name.

    • fax - fax number(s). To import multiple fax numbers, split values into multiple columns with the same header name.

    • organization - organization name associated with the contact

    • position - contact's current position

    • department - department name

    • email - contact's email address

    • about - any arbitrary info

Manage contacts

As an administrator, you can manage external contacts, editing their info, add or delete contacts.

To edit a contact:

  1. Click on the contact’s name.


  1. Open the context menu of a contact (“three dots”) and select Edit.

  2. Edit/Add fields and click Save changes.

Changes will be automatically pulled into contact books of all users within the organization.

To remove a contact:

  1. Tick the box(es) on the records of contacts which you want to delete, then click Delete selected.


  1. Open the context menu of a contact (“three dots”) and select Delete.

Changes will be automatically pulled into contact books of all users within the organization.


Tip: Use the search field to find and filter contacts by name, mobile/phone number, organization and email. Click on the column headings to sort the contacts.


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