Account administrators

Account administrators

Add account administrators

As an account holder, you can create additional administrators to manage your Ringotel account.

Create Ringotel account admins

To create an account admin, navigate to your Ringotel admin portal (https://shell.ringotel.co), Then, Menu → Account. In the “Account admins” section, click + Add admin.

In the “Add admin” form, enter a new admin’s name and login credentials, i.e. Email (Login) and Password:

NOTE: The admin email address must be unique across all Ringotel admin accounts and organization admins.

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Add new account admin form

Click Save button to create a new account admin.

A new administrator can now sign into the Ringotel admin portal using their login credentials.

NOTE: By default, account administrators have full access to your Ringotel account, except that they cannot see or manage other account administrators. They also do not have access to the Billing, Integrations, and Referral Program sections of the portal, nor to global account activity.

By default, account administrators can see and manage all organizations, connections, and users. If you want to limit account administrators to specific organizations or only the organizations they created, you can assign them a reseller account.

Assigning a reseller account

If you prefer to limit account administrators to specific organizations or only the organizations they created, you can assign them a reseller account.

When creating or editing an admin account, click on + Assign a reseller button. In the appeared field, enter a Reseller name, then press ENTER on your keyboard. Click Save button to confirm changes.

NOTE: you can assign a reseller to multiple admins. For this, if a reseller was already assigned to at least one admin, it should appear in the list of Reseller names. Select a reseller from the list to assign, then click Save button.

Assign an organization to reseller

If you want to allow an account administrator to view and manage only certain organizations that have already been created, you can assign a reseller to the account administrator and then assign those organizations to that reseller.

Here is how it works:

  1. Create an account admin as shown in the “Add account administrators” section.

  2. Assign a reseller account to account admin as shown earlier in the “Assigning a reseller account” section if this article.

  3. Open your organization settings, and then in the "Reseller account" field, select the reseller account assigned to the administrator of the account you created earlier.

  1. Account admin should now be able to see and manage the assigned organization in their Ringotel admin portal.